Through worship we come together as a family of God. Worship is a place to grow in faith and give glory and honor to God. We bring prayer, music, scripture, and lessons together to help us grow in relationship with God and each other. Together we partake in the sacraments of Baptism and Communion as a reminder of God’s love for us. At Bayside we offer two worshiping opportunities on Sunday mornings, a contemporary style and a traditional style. It is always our hope that you feel the power of God through worship.
Sunday Mornings
Fall Worship Schedule
Sunday Service
9:00 am Contemporary Worship
11:00 am Traditional Worship
One Worship Service on the 1st Sunday of the month at 11:00 am
Sunday School
10:00 am
9:00 am
Contemporary Service
10:00 am
Sunday School
11:00 am
Traditional Service
The first Sunday of each month we celebrate the Lord's Supper in a combined service at 11:00 am.
Worship Online
We thank God for the gift of technology and for the ability to worship together, in spirit, even when we are physically apart. All of our Sunday morning worship services are streamed via our YouTube page.
Past Sunday Services
We understand Baptism and Communion to be Sacraments, instituted by God and commended by Christ. They are signs of the real presence and power of Christ in the Church, symbols of God's action and a visible way of presenting God's promises.
As described in the Book of Order, "Baptism enacts and seals what the Word proclaims: God's redeeming grace offered to all people. Baptism calls us to repentance, to faithfulness, and to discipleship." (Book of Order W-3.0402)
The Lord's Supper signifies our communion with the crucified and risen Lord. The Lord's Supper is a sacrament of continuous growth, nourishment and new life. In our Reformed tradition, participation in this sacrament should follow the sacrament of baptism. Just as humans need food and drink for nurture and sustenance, Calvin wrote that the Holy Meal is God's way of providing for our maintenance during the whole course of our lives after we have been received into God's family.
Click here for What Presbyterians Believe (PCUSA).
What Should I Wear?
There is no dress code. We believe that God desires the best from your heart, not necessarily your wardrobe. It is fine if you arrive in scrubs, uniform, or ready for the rest of your day. Come as you are!
Bayside Presbyterian Church offers the sacrament of communion on the first Sunday of every month. The sacraments are passed to those worshiping or offered from the Communion table by the pastors. If you are uncomfortable with communal elements, a "communion kit," which consists of a wafer and grape juice, is also available.
For those who are worshiping virtually, we suggest that you gather your communion elements before you begin worship.
Communion is also offered on the third Sunday of the month during our Contemporary worship service.
Children on Sunday Mornings
We LOVE kids! Children of all ages are given several opportunities to worship and engage in God's Word—in worship services, and in the nursery. Kids learn faith by experience and by watching us; their inclusion with the congregation is important. We offer worship bags with lots of activities to keep little brains engaged. Older kids are encouraged to pick up a children's bulletin and worship with their families.
Our child care room (Room 304) is staffed for all services. We can accommodate infants through children who are presently in kindergarten.
Other Assistance Offered
Bayside provides large print hymnals, Bibles, and bulletins for those with vision impairment. We also offer headsets for the hearing impaired. Please ask the ushers for assistance.
There is ample off-street parking in the main parking lots that are accessible from either Independence Blvd or Ewell Road. Both the Main entrance and the Ewell Road entrance are wheelchair-accessible with multiple Handicap Parking spaces.
There is information provided on a wide variety of programs at our welcome desk in the Atrium.