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Mothers of Preschoolers

Thus says the Lord who made the earth, the Lord who formed it to establish it...Call to me and I will answer you and tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know.  - Jer 33:2-3

What is MOPS?

MOPS is a grassroots movement that believes moms are world influencers.  We are here to encourage and equip you, laugh and cry with you, and embrace the journey of motherhood with you.  MOPS provides relationships for moms in an atmosphere where they are reminded they are not alone.  We are moms, and we believe that better moms make a better world.

MOPS meet the 1st and 3rd Thursdays, 4:30-6:30 pm, in Fellowship Hall.  Childcare is available.

For more information on Bayside MOPS, email

Who Leads MOPS?

MOPS is led by a team of moms of preschoolers who have volunteered their skills and time.

This team includes: Co-Coordinators, Membership Leader/Secretary, Hospitality Leader, Finance Leader, Prayer and Cares Leader, Moppets (our childcare program) Leader and Mentor moms.  We also have Table Leaders that facilitate discussions and meaningful connections!

What happens at a MOPS meeting?

While our children are being nurtured in MOPPETS, we listen to speakers, participate in discussion groups, enjoy great snacks, have a creative activity, and most importantly, form friendships.

What does it cost to be a member of MOPS?

MOPS "mama" international membership is $32.  This fee goes directly to MOPS International to support this organization that reaches moms across the world.

Here is what is included in MOPS Membership:

  • Quarterly print Magazine subscription

  • Access to local, in-person MOPS groups

  • Bi-monthly encouraging texts


The Bayside MOPS meeting fee directly supports our MOPS ministry at Bayside Presbyterian Church $70 per semester. This fee covers cost for crafts, decorations, childcare and hospitality incidentals. There are a limited number of scholarships available. 

May I bring a friend with me to MOPS?

Visitors are welcome.  However, due to childcare limitations, please let us know ahead of time, so we can be sure we have enough room if childcare is needed.

Who watches the children?

Paid childcare staff who are hired by Bayside Presbyterian Church facilitate our MOPPETS program.  Children play in a nurturing environment while moms relax and enjoy meeting.  Reservations are requested for childcare so that we know how many children to plan for.  Please know that if you are nursing a child 6 months or younger, you are welcome to bring the child to the meeting.

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